The St Vincent de Paul Marquette District Christmas Program goes well beyond providing a happy Christmas for children. Gifts also benefit adults who reside in 7 group homes in Marquette, MI.
A great play by NMU Women's LaCrosse was recently made when the team donned their holiday spirit to help sort Can-a-Thon donations at the St. Vinney's Food Pantry.
St. Vincent de Paul Marquette District has a long and rich history of helping neighbors in need! Watch this video of our history, services, and recent revitalization efforts.
Shout out to our neighbors at DJ Jacobetti Home for Veterans for donating items collected during the TV6 can-a-thon to St. Vincent de Paul Marquette District food pantry.
Thank You Super One, Marquette for encouraging neighbors to help neighbors by rounding up their purchase at the cash register! A recent "roundup" campaign yielded $2,382.02 for the St. Vincent de Paul Marquette District food pantry.
IBEW Local 510 union members held a food drive to gather donations for the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry. A cash donation was also given. Thank you, Marquette Board of Light & Power Local 510 members!
Get inspired by "Reuben's Story" and amazed by $1M provided to friends in need through Upper Peninsula-wide SVDP financial aid offices last year. Click to view our 2024 Summer Newsletter, "Neighbors Helping Neighbors".
Click to read our tribute to volunteers + comments from Christmas Program participants; how Msgr. Jed Patrick has been touched deeply by the St. Vincent de Paul ministry, and learn a tax-smart way of giving for IRA Owners age 70 1/2 and older.
Many who received gifts and food from the 2023 St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Programs have expressed gratitude for making their holidays brighter and cheerier. Their thank you notes will warm your heart!
Click to watch a short video of Heather, who is picking up her free groceries from St. Vincent de Paul, to provide a special Christmas meal to her family.
A group of NMU students from Catholic Campus Ministry at St. Michael Parish found a tricky way to treat hunger in Marquette by conducting a Halloween Can Drive.
Marquette District St. Vincent de Paul is pleased to spread the good word of "Neighbors Helping Neighbors" in our very first newsletter. Click to read some exciting stuff, including a special "clip & save" corner!
Fred St. John may no longer be serving in the St. Vincent de Paul Financial Aid Office or visiting people in their homes, but at 97 years old he continues to bear witness to a legendary and timeless Vincentian Vocation.
Reuben says there are no words for “goodbye” or “giving up” in his native language. Life brings you challenges and he is not about to quit. After overcoming addiction and the loss of both legs, he now believes it is his turn to be the next generation of strength for others.
I have been caring for my aging parents for a while now, and when they have a new medical need it is typically urgent. Of course, it never happens at a convenient time, but when I am running in ten different directions at once! I heard that SVDP provides free use of some types of medical equipment, so I made a phone call to inquire.